What is a PSYOP?

Photo of my husband during the North Carolina 'Stay at Home' order.

Does anyone else feel like a rat in a maze right now? Every day I wake up to new information, a new route, a different normal, and I just scurry forward vaguely aware that the path conveniently mapped out before me might not be lined with the good intentions the men in white coats are touting. Some light breeze of discernment blows across my whiskers, and I freeze. Is this all just some elaborate ruse that leads to spoiled cheese at the end?

*Cue somber piano music*
We will rise above.
We're here for you.
We're with you.
We've been with you through thick and thin.
It's all about people, people, people, family.
During these trying times…
During these uncertain times…
During these troubled times….
During these unprecedented times...
In this time of social distancing...
Now, more than ever.
Today, more than ever.
We find ways to stay close, even when we're apart.
There are still ways to touch each other.
All without leaving the comfort and safety of your home.
From home. Home. Home. Home.
Stay safe. Stay home.
Apart but united.
You can trust us.
You can count on us.
Just 30 days.
Just 4 more weeks.
Just 10 more days.
Just 2 more months.
Just until everyone is vaccinated.
We'll get through this together.

So what is a PSYOP? I'll just leave this here.
Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

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