Balance. New beginnings. Promise.

I love roses.

Roses are a remarkable combination of passion and honest intentions. New beginnings and promise. If Taureans were a flower, we'd be a rose.

On the way home from a trip out east to visit our family, we stopped at a rest area, and there were ENORMOUS rose bushes in bloom. I know you're probably not supposed to pick flowers at this public place, but I found one that was beyond its peak and I plucked it to preserve the petals. And the memory. It got overheated in the car on the way home, and I was worried it wouldn't survive the trip.

But just like most things that are underwatered, overheated, uprooted, and neglected - it perked right up after a little drink of water.

Growing up, we had a big rose bush in the yard, and it threw roses very similar to this. I remember my Mama pinning roses and rosebuds to our Sunday clothes before church. I think it was specifically for Mother's Day (tell me if I'm wrong, DeMama). I'm pretty sure it went, wear pink or red roses if your mother was still alive, or wear white to honor your mother who had already passed.

I'm so happy that my roses are still pink and red.

Anyway. I've been reading about how to propagate roses from cuttings, and I think I'll give it a go. I hope it survives the trip.

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